Best Restaurants in June in Nanchang County (Updated 2024)

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NT$274Jiangxi Cuisine
小韩旅游推荐🌟 High-intensity food trip, enjoy a delicious meal every two hours on average! This time I shared with everyone the shops I thought were super delicious! 👋 Of course, those shops I think are average or thunderous, I silently skipped them. 😜 Because I am traveling alone, my itinerary is relatively casual. In terms of accommodation, I chose near Bayi Square. The traffic here is super convenient. Metro Line 1 directly leads to popular attractions such as Tengwang Pavilion and Wanshou Palace. 🚇 In Nanchang, transportation is also a highlight. I downloaded the Shanghai Transportation Card APP, which is universal in the country. Just a mobile phone, easy to ride, and continuous transfer and discounts! 🚌 For Nanchang's boiling, I believe many friends are very curious. I think its deliciousness depends mainly on brine. I tried Sister Ying's fried water, the brine smell is strong, people have a endless aftertaste. And the water boiled by the shopkeeper is added to the garlic mud, the taste is more like spicy hot, it is worth a try. 🍲 But here I want to complain a little. I arrived at Nanchang Station in the morning and went straight to Yingjie for fried water, but was told that the door was not open in the afternoon. So I waited until the evening to see the concert at JJ Nanchang Station before going to taste. The taste is really good, but the boss told me that there is no fried noodles (later I heard someone order fried noodles...😅), maybe too many people are too busy to come. But anyway, the two-day Nanchang food trip still made me eat very happy and satisfied! 😋 I hope my strategy can bring some help and reference to everyone's trip to Nanchang. 😉 #Nanchang Food Recommended